USP’s Pre-Compendial Approach for Building qNMR Scientific Community

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) has adopted a pre-compendial approach to enhance engagement with stakeholders and to develop standards that are fit for purpose. As part of this approach, the qNMR community in China (qNMR-C) was established in March 2022. This community attracted over 20 subject matter experts who actively participate in its regular activities. The objective of the qNMR community is to foster a collaborative environment where practitioners can share ideas, exchange knowledge, introduce new techniques, build capabilities, and discuss best practices. This collaborative effort aims to bolster the adoption and practical application of qNMR. The USP spearheads numerous qNMR-C events, as outlined in Table 1. Through this presentation, we intend to provide updates on qNMR advancements and encourage ongoing learning and knowledge sharing among those interested in qNMR. Additionally, we aim to underscore the significance of qNMR and its applications to a broader audience. Our initiative includes creating resources to engage students, researchers, and industry professionals who might be unfamiliar with qNMR. These dedicated efforts assist USP and its stakeholders in gaining a deeper understanding of qNMR technique and exploring its potential opportunities in compendial contexts.

Table 1. qNMR events organized for qNMR-C from 2021 to 2024

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Event Date Agenda
Presentation Speaker
USP qNMR Symposium December 16th -17th, 2021 USP Quantitative NMR Symposium
qNMR-C kick-off meeting March 11th, 2022
Webinar April 28th, 2022 NMR Instrument Qualification Huiwen Deng, Bruker BioSpin
Webinar June 17th, 2022 Good Weighing Practice - For Accurate qNMR Sample Preparation Klaus Fritsch, Mettler Toledo
Webinar July 26th, 2022 Proposed revisions to the USP NMR General Chapter <761> Toru Miura, FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation
Webinar September 26th, 2022 Proposed revisions to the USP NMR General Chapter <1761> Joe Ray, University of Illinois, at Chicago; Christina Szabo, Baxter International Inc.
Webinar November 10th, 2022 Use of qNMR to determine HPLC relative response factors for botanical reference standards used in pharmacopeial monographs Caiying Ma, US Pharmacopeia
USP 2nd qNMR Symposium January 9th - 11th, 2023
Webinar March 29th and April 27th, 2023 qNNR concepts, principles and method development and validation Yang Liu, US Pharmacopeia
Webinar September 8th, 2023 qNMR Education and training in Tianjin University Xiaojuan Deng, Tianjin University
Webinar October 12th, 2023 qNMR and uncertainty Wei Zhang, Natioal Institute Metrology, China; Yang Liu, US Pharmacopeia
USP 3rd qNMR Symposium December11th, 2023a
Webinar March-20th, 2024 Quantitative applications of benchtop NMR Jingwen Du, Qingdao Tenglongweibo Technology Co., Ltd.
Webinar to be updated Quantitative applications of solid-state NMR Yongchao Su, Merck & Co., Inc.

Hi Yang, Good to know to progress!
The topics are really interesting to the qNMR users :+1:

@Young Thank you so much for your comment! You are welcome to join us as a webinar speaker or in other formats. Please let us know which format suits you best.
Additionally, I am wondering if it would be possible to invite the students to present their ongoing work in formats such as posters, webinars, or other opportunities. Is this a good vs bad idea? Let’s talk… :slight_smile: