Exciting Announcement: qNMR Summit 8.0

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming qNMR Summit 8.0, a premier event for the qNMR spectroscopy. This time, we’re taking our event to the next level by hosting it as a hybrid experience!
:date: Date: August 15-16, 2024
:round_pushpin: Location: Dominican University, River Forest, IL
:link: Event Mode: Hybrid (In-Person & Virtual)
Join us for two days of insightful talks, networking opportunities, and cutting-edge research presentations. This summit is the perfect platform to expand your knowledge, connect with colleagues from global qNMR communities, and explore the latest advancements in qNMR technology. More details can be also found: https://www.qnmrsummit.com/

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Booklet: Agenda, Presenter Bios, Abstracts of Talks & Posters, Links to Posters and Videos
